
How Zoning Works: Surveys

Normally, a survey is required when you are building a new construction project. A soil report is required when you are building a free standing new construction project. A wastewater permit is needed for almost any building permit. The purpose of the survey is to provide the exact location of the existing property lines and […]

How Zoning Works: Soil Reports

Normally, a survey is required when you are building a new construction project. A soil report is required when you are building a free standing new construction project. A wastewater permit is needed for almost any building permit. The soil report is less legal and more important from an engineering perspective. A hole is drilled […]

How Zoning Works: Allowable Bulk Plane

The bulk plane is really a series of planes which limit the allowable volume of space the building can occupy. As with the height limitations, the bulk plane requirements are separated into limits for the front 65% of the lot and the rear 35%. The purpose of the bulk plane is to allow adjacent neighbors […]